This Podcast is where you can find all sermons by Crucible. Please take the time to browse and we hope the messages are a means of blessing to you! If you have any questions, please contact us at We'd love to hear from you!


Advent simply means "arrival". As we prepare and make our way toward Christmas. This time of the year tends to be quite chaotic for many of us. But in light of all the crazy festivities in our cities, what are we truly anticipating?

December 28, 2022
Speaker: Pastor Sam Worship Leader: Brian Passage: John 1:1-18 Title: Advent: Christmas!
December 19, 2022
Speaker: Brian Worship Leader: Sheffield Passage: Matthew 1:18-25; Matthew 2:13- 14 Title: Advent: Joy
December 12, 2022
Speaker: Pastor Dan Worship Leader: Gary Passage: Luke 2:1-14; 1 John 4:9-12 Title: Advent: Love
December 6, 2022
Speaker: Pastor Sam Worship Leader: Carman Passage: John 14:27 Advent Series: Peace
November 29, 2022
Advent simply means "arrival". As we prepare and make our way toward Christmas. This time of the year tends to be quite chaotic for many of us. But in light of all the crazy festivities in our cities, what are we truly anticipating? Is it opening Christmas presents? Is it spending time with family and friends? Is it simply to enjoy the Holiday season? Whatever it is, we are inviting you to journey and walk with us over the course of the next 4 weeks, as we build toward Christmas Day (which happens to be on Sunday!). Every day, every week filled with anticipation, and meaning, for what Christmas truly is about. Join us as we celebrate every week, moving together as a community to the climax that is, Christmas Day.


In this series we are attempting to explore questions and false narratives about the character of God. Is God really good? Can he honestly be trusted? Is God really a loving God? And much more.

November 15, 2022
In this sermon, we take a look at the greatest form and shape of love - Sacrifice. We look at how God's sacrifice is seen and understood as love. When we look at the Gospels, sometimes the question arises - why did Jesus have to die? Were the Cross and crucifixion really necessary? We look to attempt to explore these questions from the narrative of Genesis 22:1-19. Join us every weekend, at Trinity Western University Minoru Campus. We meet on the 3rd floor, at 11 am. We hope that you can join us!
November 9, 2022
This sermon looks at God's holiness. A part of looking at the holiness of God is understanding God's wrath. In doing so, we also must understand how God's holiness and love is connected to God's wrath. The word wrath conjures up a lot of images, and not all are necessarily healthy images. What does wrath mean? How is God's wrath different than human wrath? Join us as we explore these questions, and more. We meet every Sunday at our Trinity Western University Minoru Campus on the 3rd floor. Our services start at 11am.
October 31, 2022
As our sermon series continues, P. Dan explores the question of whether God's love is truly unconditional. Join us as we look into this question. We meet every Sunday morning (11 am) at our Trinity Western University Minoru Campus on the 3rd floor.
October 24, 2022
In this message, we are looking at the generosity of God. Is God truly generous? What does that generosity look like? How does it compare to the world that we live in? Is the God of the Scriptures the same 'god' that I have in mind? How does He differ? As we explore and unpack these questions, will we see a God who is good and beautiful? Join us every week at our TWU Minoru Campus at 11 AM. We meet on the third floor of the TWU building. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at Thank you and see you soon!
October 19, 2022
In this sermon, we will ask the question "Is God Trustworthy?" Can God be trusted? We will walk through the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) to begin to help us shape our understanding and image of God as Father. We will also be looking into the term Abba which is what Jesus called God in the Gospel of Mark (14:36). We tend to project our image of God based on our experiences with our human fathers. But when we do this, we begin to see and relate to God in unhealthy ways. Can we trust God when life seemingly isn't going our way? How did Jesus do it? Come and join us as we explore this question this week.
October 10, 2022
Join us, as we begin a brand new sermon series called "The Good and Beautiful God". In this sermon series, we will be exploring the goodness of God. We all come from different backgrounds and experiences when it comes to God. Some of it, good, other parts of it aren't so good, and as a result we receive unhealthy perceptions of God. Why do we arrive there? How did we come to those perspectives and perceptions of God? We wrestle with questions such as "If God is good, why is there pain and suffering in our world?" or "Can God be trusted?" and many other questions, we will attempt to look into and seek what God is actually saying with respect to these questions. Join us in our journey to coming to a space where our perceptions might need to be adjusted, to be able to see that God is actually very good, and very beautiful. We meet weekly at our TWU Richmond Campus on the 3rd Floor. Our services begin at 11am Pacific Time.


In the Ephesians Series, we will unpack how we are spiritually blessed in Christ, and how we move from being spiritually blessed people to being a spiritual blessing in our workplaces, schools, families, the townhomes and apartments we live in, to our neighborhoods and communities.

October 3, 2022
In this sermon on Ephesians 6. Pastor Sam walks us through the significance of putting on the full armour of God, that we might withstand the spiritual assault of demonic and satanic opposition and oppression. As God's people, we have been made into 'new humans' - as a new humanity and society that has new spiritual DNA, new perceptions, a new life. With this new life, however, we also awaken to greater depth, the arch-enemy of God - the Devil. He seeks to destroy and dismantle God's people, and blind the world from the truth of Jesus Christ. We must put on the spiritual armour that God has given to us, if we are to stand strong in God and in the strength of His might. We meet weekly at our Trinity Western University Richmond Campus. Our services start at 11 am Pacific Time. All are welcome to join us!
September 27, 2022
In this sermon, P. Graham will be looking at Ephesians 5:21-6:9 and walking through what these verses in this letter is talking about. Submission tends to have a negative connotation in our world today. What did Paul mean by it when he speaks about this? How does submission have relevance to us today in our relationships? Join us to find out what this portion of Ephesians means for us today. We meet weekly at our Trinity Western University Richmond Campus. Our services start at 11 am Pacific Time. All are welcome to join us!
September 19, 2022
In this sermon, we work through Ephesians 5:1-21, and we attempt to answer the question, "How do we walk as Children of Light?" P.Sam breaks down the passage into three sections. We will look at those three sections in the sermon together. Please join us! We are on Facebook Live, Youtube and all of our sermons are on our website as well. We hope to see you and connect with you in person.
September 12, 2022
What does it mean to "put on the new self"? How do we put off the old self? P. Sam looks at Ephesians 4:17-32, to unpack these questions, and what it means for us today. How do we grieve the Holy Spirit? How do we live a life pleasing the Holy Spirit rather than causing him pain? You can join us on our Youtube Channel or on Facebook Live for all of our sermons. You can also join us in person for worship every week at 11 am.
September 6, 2022
We are working through Ephesians 4:1-16. We look at what Paul is saying here about walking worthy of the call to which we are called. How are we worthy? What does it mean to walk in a manner worthy of the call? What are we called to? Join us to find out as P. Sam unpacks and explains what this part of Paul’s letter means for us today. Join us every week at 11am at Trinity Western University Richmond Campus. We also offer our online platforms on both Facebook Live as well as our YouTube Channel.
August 28, 2022
As we continue in our Ephesian Sermon Series, P. Dan walks us through Ephesians 3:1-20 on how God's grace has changed us as His people. Everyone is welcome to join us on our Youtube Channel, Facebook Live, or in-person worship gatherings.
August 21, 2022
Today, we will look at Ephesians 2:11-22. Paul is saying that God is doing new work. He is building something. But what is He building? Join us as we unpack these verses, to understand what God is doing!
August 14, 2022
Today, we will be looking at Ephesians 2:1-10 and understanding what the grace of God has done for us! There are three areas that we will look at 1. Ephesians 2:1-3 [Bad News], 2. Ephesians 2:4-7 [What God has accomplished by His grace], and 3. Ephesians 2:8-10 [What God has accomplished through His grace]. The invitation is to live a life of grace. How do we do this? Join us every Sunday, at 11am Pacific Time on our Social Media Feeds via Youtube and Facebook Live.
August 7, 2022
We're starting a new sermon series on Ephesians! We will unpack how we are spiritually blessed in Christ, and how we move from being spiritually blessed people to being a spiritual blessing in our workplaces, schools, families, the townhomes and apartments we live in, to our neighborhoods and communities. Join us every Sunday on Youtube, Facebook Live, or In-person worship. Our services are held at 11AM Pacific Time. If you have any questions about how you can get involved at the church or want more information about the church, you can email us at .


November 22, 2022
In this sermon, Tombert helps us explore prayer, not only as a form of "talking" to God but also listening to the voice of God. Does God speak to us today? Yes! He does, and we explore this together in this sermon. All of us were created uniquely and differently, and because of that, we respond to God's voice and presence differently as well. Here's a small Spiritual Pathway Test to see where you could possibly land when it comes to experiencing God and His presence in life. We're not all made the same way, and God speaks to us in different ways, and we often feel closer to Him via different ways. We hope this sermon will bring you encouragement!


Crucible Church meets every Sunday at the City Centre Community Centre (3RD Floor at 5900 Minoru Blvd, Richmond, BC). 


11AM - Sunday Worship

11AM - Kids Church

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